Clinically Driven Revenue Recovery

Identify dropped charges and hidden revenue within your clinical charts.  Our seasoned RN’s will investigate, address missed charges due to incomplete documentation in EHR and provide a targeted solution for increased revenue and improved operational efficiency.

EHR implementation revolutionized data management but introduced challenges in maintaining accurate documentation.  Inadequate training, lack of follow-up, and varied practices lead to substantial revenue loss due to services not correctly recorded for billing.

What is the solution? Our skilled seasoned healthcare professionals conduct a forensic comprehensive review of individual charts, identifying missing charges caused by incomplete documentation or anticipated charges based on work flows.  Collaboration with hospital staff ensures tailored recommendations for improved documentation practices, leading to enhanced revenue capture.

Proven Benefits from just one missed consistent charge saved a previous client:  
Daily Profits of:  $19,305.00
Yearly Profits of: $7,046,325.00

For Example:  If vital signs are taken on an average of every 8 hrs. (which would be the minimal of 3 times daily), this would generate 150 patients x 3 vital signs completed in a 24hr period and would generate 450 daily charges of $42.90 each. Almost every patient had a documented SaO2% completed and charted with their vital signs. Each SaO2% can be considered a relatively small charge in the large scheme of patient charges at $42.90 each, but these charges would equal $19,305.00 a day.  This small charge then becomes a very lucrative revenue at years end of $7,046,325.00 annually. 

We offer a short two week engagement to perform a review of just one department, to prove the potential ROI. 

Partner with us to recover substantial revenue, enhance documentation practices, and achieve financial and operational goals!  No matter the size of the project, whether it is a small audit or a comprehensive audit, we have the staff ready to take on the challenge.  Our team’s expertise in revenue recovery ensures a strategic solution to missed charges, contributing to your hospital/clinic’s success.